Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Something to Pray About

Wow! The response coming in to our (very limited) advertising continues to astound and occasionally overwhelm us here at Oasis. Keep those expressions of interest coming. Even if you just want to be kept informed of what's going on, we want to hear from you. We'll do our best to reply to you as soon as we can, certainly within 48 hours.

Here at HQ in Steubenville, OH, we've been looking at a possible location for our first studio. It's an old school (a small one) currently owned by the Diocese. We may be able to lease or buy it, depending on funding. We're asking for everyone's prayers for wisdom, and for the will of God to be accomplished, whether He wants us to be in this building or someplace else. Pray also that the right funding comes available at the right time as we continue to grow.

Speaking of prayer, we are, naturally, in desperate need in that department. The last thing we want to be is a successful (or unsuccessful) production company churning out programs outside of the Will of Our Lord. So we're looking to start a prayer chain as soon as possible for this ministry. If you're interested, shoot us an e-mail at We'll place you on an e-mail list to receive prayer requests weekly, or as they come up. Thanks in advance for your commitment to supporting the vision of authentic Catholic media in this way.

Keep those e-mails and calls coming. It's incredibly exciting talking to all of you and see how far the vision has spread and is spreading!


1 comment:

Fr. David said...

You should contact ...